The Marda Loop Communities Association Planning and Development Committee is a group of community volunteers who provide advice, background information, community context, and feedback to the City of Calgary, the MLCA Board, and applicants on development in our neighbourhood.
The Planning and Development Committee has no formal jurisdiction or authority in planning matters and therefore, cannot reject or approve applications. We provide a bridge for communication, advice, context for all stakeholders.
Community Residents wishing to submit individual comments on developments can view and submit using the City of Calgary development map tool:
How to respond to a development application:
Guide to the Subdivision and Appeal Board:
Community Outreach on Planning and Development :
We are a Volunteer Committee and our time needs to be focused. If you own a property and wish to re-develop we encourage you to connect with us at:
We strongly encourage applicants to engage with directly affected neighbours and stakeholder as early as possible. Proactive engagement can create a smoother planning process.
Click Here to View Current Development Permits in the Works and to Provide Feedback
Click Here to View Current Development Permits specific to Marda Loop (below are the large scale projects)
Click Here to View Current Rules and Building Codes on Land Use Development
With over 5,155 written responses and over 700 speakers at Calgary City Council’s largest
public hearing ever (the Affordable Housing Strategy and City Wide Upzoning), MLCA’s Planning
& Development Committee submitted a response based on the letters we received from our
Attached below is the link to our letter.
If you require direction on how to provide your feedback to the City of Calgary on development
issues, feel free to contact our Volunteer Planning and Development committee at