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MLCA Volunteers

Whether you wish to become a board member, serve on a committee, assist with a program, or simply help out at one of our many events, volunteering is a great way to meet new people and help build your community. Have fun. Contribute your skills. You’re always welcome at the Marda Loop Communities Association.

Volunteer Opportunities


The Marda Loop Community Association is a not-for-profit body that has proudly served the residents of our community for over forty years and is run by the board, a group of dedicated volunteers. The scope of the work revolves around many issues in our community including development, transportation, parks and green space, plus recreational and educational programs for all ages. Our organization serves as a conduit to City Hall as the voice for our residents. Board member positions are filled each October at our AGM and although the time commitment is more demanding than other volunteer positions, the work is engaging and very rewarding. The board holds monthly meetings and those interested in learning more about our board are encouraged to attend a meeting, as all meetings are open to the public.
Here are the positions currently open:
      • President
      • Vice-President
      • Secretary
      • Membership
      • Sponsorship

Read more about Board Member responsibilities here


The MLCA Board has many committees and sub-committees who are each focused on a particular aspect of the community and are chaired by a Board Member. These committees can always use more help and the time commitment is less than being a Board Member. If you are interested in learning more about our committees you should attend a monthly Board meeting.

For more information on MLCA volunteer opportunities please contact