Our “Seniors in the Loop” Group usually gets together in the Marda Loop Community Association Upper Hall on the first Monday of each month except when it falls on a statutory holiday. Check The Source magazine or this website for updates.
We take a break for Summer, but still meet for walks, picnics, plays, movies or pool parties etc. either in small or large groups. Details of these outings can also be found in The Source magazine or members of the MLCA will be contacted by phone or e-mail.
These get-togethers start at 9 am with 45 minute of light exercise. This is followed by presentations by experts from various fields of interest to seniors with an opportunity to meet one-on-one with these knowledgeable individuals. An hour or so of social interaction and board games, singing, ping pong etc. follows till 12:30 pm.
Snacks and refreshments are provided by volunteers.
For more information about any of the above,
Anyone 55+
9:00 am - 12:30 pm, First Monday of each month
MLCA Hall, 3130 16th Street SW
Free for members