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Preschool Wine Raffle

  • Date

    Wednesday Dec 22, 2021

  • Cost

    $40 to start, then $20 for additional tickets

The MLCA preschool has been fortunate enough to have very successful fundraising events in previous years to support our community preschool. Through our yearly wine night, we typically raised enough money to cover all additional costs and enrichment activities for the year. Unfortunately, due to COVID we are, once again, unable to host similar in person fundraising events. These events would have helped us cover increased costs and decreased revenues this year. We had great success last year running our first ever WINE SURVIVOR and we are looking forward to supporting our excellent preschool again with the same virtual game. Funds collected will go directly to the preschool for enrichment activities that your children participate in. Such enrichment activities include classes like dance and music.


Wine survivor is similar to the television game show except the last person or alliance standing wins the prize. The prize will be a large amount of wine. The grand total up for grabs will be communicated throughout the collection period. If you’re not a wine drinker then we can substitute with a gift card. This is a great way to stock up on wine for the upcoming holiday season or to restock after your Christmas and New Year celebrations!


Money for the draw will be collected from November 29th to Dec 19th. During the week of December 20th-22nd tickets will be drawn and the last ticket remaining wins all the wine.


Registration will be $40/ per player which entitles you to 5 tickets and covers the cost of the wine prize. Additional tickets can be purchased-3 tickets for $20.


The object of the game is to be the last person standing. Your chances of winning are increased if you create an alliance with your friends. To increase your odds of winning you can also sell tickets to your non preschool friends, grandparents, neighbours, etc. We won’t keep track of teams but you can create them amongst yourselves which will be the best way to win the grand prize.


The winner will be announced via e-mail on the final draw date of December 22nd. Our wonderful wine representative is happy to meet with the winner and select wines of their preference. Delivery can also be arranged free of charge within the Calgary city limits.


To purchase tickets please click the link below!


You may also e-mail Laura Lobsinger at  Cash ticket sales will also be accepted at school drop off and pick up for the entirety of the fundraiser. If you have any questions or would like to arrange in person ticket sales, please email Laura Lobsinger at


Good luck and may the best Survivor Win!